Sunday, April 13, 2008

Part 2 How it began

Grandma was a must for the Irish teas, and European cookies lead by her hailing from the land of the Shamrock, along with fine bone china tea cup and saucer, surrounded by chocolates and wrapped candles plus of course the Holly and the Ivy and good quality English lavender soaps.

The Health conscious friend who appreciated the array of nuts, dried fruit, wholegrain pastas, cheeses and crackers plus some body empowering health bars.

Then that one who had to have everything fattening and ‘naughty’ and generously covered in chocolate, decadence in a basket! What a way to go she would say, not forgetting the bottle of Merlot placed jauntily at the back for stability and cheekily peering over the feast with a personalized wine glass by it’s side.

Yes, I was starting to enjoy this gift giving mularky, it was actually fun. The more I did it, the more inventive I got and the better the gifts turned out. And as for the bows and ribbons, well, they became more and more frivolous and better turned out as I experimented with shades and types of wired ribbons as opposed to Satins and weaves.

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